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Selasa, 28 November 2017


Saturday, 25 November 2017

On Saturday I went to Semarang with my friend, we are from the house departing around noon when it gets disemarang that is afternoon. After that we watch the film first the film "Justice League" and after watching our movie looking for ice cream, then we go back to rent again.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

On the second day of our week together we will visit one of the historic places in Semarang which is located around Tugu Muda, Lawang Sewu. Together we go to Lawang Sewu famous for his horror story, after entering we took time to take a moment while enjoying the beautiful of Lawang Sewu.

Monday, 27 November 2017

On mondays I was only home to help others because at that time my house was having a small renovation. The day was exhausting, because I was busy helping and cleaning my own house. So many stories from me more apologize.

Senin, 09 Oktober 2017



Today I was not too much activity because of college until the afternoon, there is one of the activities that I think more, that is to play kite over the course of the lecture, then me and my friends see the children in the village are playing kites, see them playing right then and there one of my friends immediately bought a kite and then flew it with the children of the village near my place.


On that day me and my friends after returning from college planned to walk the road to one of the malls near my campus. We will gather there together while chatting about one of the games that become our favorite is the mobile legend game.


After I finished my friday prayer, I prepared to go to college, after I finished with my friend to burjo and there we all ate together.


Today I will return home with my friend, when we come home when the weather is very hot. On the night of my week and my friend coffee at a coffee shop and there we chatted casually.


On Sunday I will practice driving with my sister, when my brother happened to come home from the police service in pekalongan area. It also stopped by our favorite culinary place swieke